Before sending your application for a job, you can use this checklist to make sure you have included all relevant information.
Have you included (where relevant):
Your contact details, i.e. name, contact number, email address, LinkedIn profile?
A personal statement or career objective i.e. short paragraph about yourself, studies and achievements?
Your education and qualifications?
Your employment, both related and unrelated to your degree? A list of technical and soft skills?
Contact details of your referees (Name, title, company, phone, email)? Any achievements or awards?
Any projects you have done during your studies, internship or independently? Any internship programs?
Any volunteering experiences? Any publications?
Any languages you speak other than English? Any certificates or certifications?
Any conferences you have attended?
Have you:
Addressed it to the right person? Call the company to find out the correct person if it is not listed in the job advertisement
Stated the position you are applying for, where and when the position was advertised? Considered the job advertisement’s requirements and explained in your letter how you meet the criteria?
Have you highlighted your strengths and described the reasons why you are a good fit for the role?
Ensured your cover letter is succinct, concise and within one page? Checked your letter to make sure there are no spelling mistakes?